Ready, Steady….Go Back to Work!

Ready, Steady….Go Back to Work!

As we were just getting used to the idea of #wfh, many countries are slowly easing up on restrictions which means time to go to back to work in a…wait for it…office! If you’ve forgotten what that feels like or anxious what the post-covid office experience will bring, read on to get prepped for work life in the new normal. 



After months of not being in an office, the first day at work can be both exciting and daunting. Mastered the art of dressing for zoom calls, we will now need to put in a little more effort to dress stylishly but with functionality for going back to work. Make sure you have extra pockets to keep hand sanitizers and face masks handy and safe, or wear a jacket that you can leave at the door to keep indoors clean. To spice up an outfit, try a printed face mask like the ones we made here at Emma Wallace or match the colour with the tone of your look. Frequent clothes washing and drying is essential so wear something easily washable. You can still wear a silk shirt with beautiful hand beaded embellishment like our Rita Shirt, just check out our blog on DIY Recipes To Clean Your Clothing.



We all now know the importance of washing our hands frequently (yes, we know… 20 seconds minimum), keeping a 1.5m distance (no hugs or handshakes please!) and wearing a face mask, but keeping our immune system strong is also vital. Improve your immune system by eating healthy, loading up on fruits and vegetables, watch out for unhealthy fats and slow down. Eating slower and chewing more often can reduce your risk of overeating and promotes a better digestive system. Taking supplements like vitamin C can help boost immunity. When in doubt orange juice or smoothies are always good alternatives to get in those vitamins. Last but not least… SLEEP! Getting a good night’s sleep helps our body fight off illness, rejuvenate and heal. So, remember to get those 8 hours of shut eye so your body can heal itself. (Check out our blog on how to get better sleep)



Using public transportation again will definitely bring on new anxieties. To safely protect commuters, countries are finding unique ways to help social distance during their travel. A fun and colorful example is in Medellin Colombia where ten artists have designed footprints placed in metro car floors so commuters can safely stand adhering to the social distancing guidelines (click here to see the video of these artist at work). We hope other countries will follow suite! If you do have to take public transportation, use it early to avoid large crowds, take buses where windows can open for ventilation, leave empty seats between each other and don’t forget to always use a digital wallet to make payments (paper money can carry more germs than a household toilet and can reportedly transport a live flu virus for up to 17 days. Time to set up Apple Pay! Learn how to set up Apple Pay here or Google Pay here)

If you live close enough, take up cycling or walk to work, exercise is another way you can boost up your immune system, not to mention burn those extra calories! 



So, you’ve picked the perfect outfit, living healthy and finally made it to work, what is next?

Start by disinfecting your workspace! It’s been months since you sat at your desk so pull out those disinfecting wet wipes and give it a good clean. Take this opportunity to clean up your work spaces but also to add some touches from home like fresh flowers and a scented candle or whatever you are missing from your #wfh days. 

First meeting? Remember no hand-shaking, try fist bumping, the salute (or check out more fun greetings that don't involve touching) and space out those seats at the meeting table. Keep any face to face meetings essential and to a time limit. Catch up with colleagues but do so responsibly and save those team drinks till later on in the year.

It will be strange but you’ll get used to the new ways of interacting in no time! As always, be cautious and be safe.

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