

My name is Nafisah I work in Marketing and Events in London. I have lived in London for 12 years now moving here when I was 10 from the US. I love art music brunching with my friends and occasionally going out.

We spent 5 minutes with Nafise.
From power outfit inspo to guilty pleasures, read on to discover more about their style AND story.

How would you describe your everyday style?

My style definitely changes from day to day depends on how I feel and where I’m going. I love a slightly formal look but also chic outfits. At times I am more laid back and wear a lot of knitwear

How did you fit Emma into your lifestyle?

Because my style is ever changing Emma Wallace fits so well into my lifestyle. I love my Emma pieces if I go out to dinner I know I have the perfect outfit in my closet. And for meetings in the city I always know what Emma piece to wear.

What is your top styling tip everyone should know?

One thing my mum has taught me is that Basics and Layers are the most important things for styling. Having solid basic items can do wonders for your style especially in winter. I love my basics because it can help you dress down an extravagant price or dress it up.

What’s a go-to power outfit you wear?

My Felicia jumpsuit: I love it perfect for brunch or an important meeting everyone I wear it I feel unstoppable

Your favourite colour to wear?

Unsure, I know my undertone works well with blues so blue probably is best for me but I just love wearing bright colours In General

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Wake up do a short morning yoga routine take my supplements and do a little self care through my skin care routine

3 words your friends would use to describe you.

Energetic Outgoing Vibrant

Who is your celeb style muse?

Zoe Kravitz definitely her style is just cool and calm always. She also wears great essentials and layers.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

If you change the way you think about life you can change your life.

What’s your favourite guilty pleasure?

Trash 2000s romcoms and equally trash tv series like the ones that should’ve been cancelled after season one like DC legends of Tomorrow

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