Spring has finally sprung, but it’s not just our homes that need a freshen up. This season, it’s time to revitalise your mind, body and wardrobe to help you jump into the warmer weather with new energy.
Here’s five ways we’ll be giving our lives the Spring clean we crave to style out the coming months with a refreshed perspective.
Declutter Deep Dive
We’ve all heard the saying, tidy home, tidy mind. When we’re surrounded by chaos and mess, it can quickly translate into feeling unorganised too. With a fresh season upon us, make some time to go through those cupboards and have a good clear out. Ask yourself the Marie Kondo question of, ‘Does it spark Joy?’. If the answer is no, then re-sell it, donate it or dump it. Clearing out the excess will leave you with the space to welcome the good in.
Freshen Up Your CV
The start of the year can rush by in a blink, and that job that doesn’t fulfil you can quickly lag on longer than you anticipated. With Spring here, take some time to evaluate your role and whether you feel satisfied in your job. Whether you’re on the immediate job hunt or simply want to have options open to you, now is the perfect time to clean up your CV and get it ready to share. Tweak, refine and update your CV ensuring it showcases your achievements to full effect. Why not make sure your LinkedIn is looking spick and span too for added measure and get ready for those job offers to role in!
Slimline Your Skincare
Dirty make up brushes, expired mascaras, ten lipsticks and none are the right shade of red? Our make-up bags can swiftly become a mess. When it comes to a spring clean, your beauty essentials are not exempt. Take the time to wash, replenish and throw away to keep your vanity feeling fabulous. When it comes to your routine, remember what you use on your skin is absorbed by your body. Why not take the new season as a sign to rid your skincare of nasties and opt for cleaner, greener products that are kinder to you and the planet?
Create A Capsule Closet
Always buying clothes but feel like you have nothing to wear? You need a wardrobe that works harder. Why not use the new season as a start for building a capsule closet that can take you anywhere? Of course, you need the basics – think a great pair of jeans, epic fit white tee and that classic oversized blazer. For more special pieces you can go bolder, but choose items that can be worn in multiple ways. Our Dopamine Drop is packed with perfect pieces that can be layered, mix and matched to create endless outfits from just a few essentials. We’re all about buying less but buying better!
Nail Your Nutrition
The Winter months can see our nutrition go out of the window. Cold days lead to nights in with comfort food and a bottle of wine. With longer, lighter evenings just around the corner, why not take Spring as a sign to give your nutrition a refresh too? Try batch cooking a healthy dish every Sunday to set you up for the week and help you avoid hitting the ‘order’ button on a takeaway. When it comes to snacks, opt for high protein, low sugar options that will keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer.
Now you know our top tips, how will you be spring cleaning your life?